Girolles Les Forges

Girolles |
11.24 kms away from Vézelay
Girolles Les Forges
Girolles Les Forges
Girolles Les Forges
Girolles Les Forges
Chambre La Bourguignonne
Chambre La Bourguignonne
Chambre La Bourguignonne
Chambre La Bourguignonne
Suite Mademoiselle Rolande
Suite Mademoiselle Rolande
Suite Mademoiselle Rolande
Suite Mademoiselle Rolande
Chambre Le Pigeonnier
Chambre Le Pigeonnier
Chambre Le Pigeonnier
Chambre Le Pigeonnier
Chambre Girolloise - Chambre Girolloise : la 2e chambre
Chambre Girolloise
Chambre Girolloise - Chambre Girolloise, le salon
Chambre Girolloise
Chambre Girolloise - Chambre Girolloise, la chambre principale
Chambre Girolloise


Girolles, a charming village of Burgundy, a few kilometers away from Avallon, Vezelay and the Morvan National Parc.

The quietness of the place, the pleasure to share simple things, a good meal around the “table d’hôtes” or simply “rebuilding” the world with a nice glass of wine in front of the chimney in winter or on the terrace in summertime!

Ring the bell at the front door! We open the gate….
You can now come in and share some time with us!
Follow the fir tree lined alley, a right turn….
You discover a part of the park and then, the house.

We’ve done our best to keep the charm and soul of this house and have created 4 rooms, all with a different atmosphere with antiques furniture and the charm of an elegant decoration.

The hundred-year-old cedar and the big trees overhangs the park. Around 4500 sq. meters, entirely closed.
Terrace in summertime and sunbathing in the shade of the big trees. Fruit trees. Only the birds will come to disturb the calmness of the place!

Christian, who’s fist job is “cuisinier”, will organize gastronomic dinners for you around the “Table d’hôtes”. Creative cooking with products of the region and seasonal goods.
Many of our clients told us to talk about the quality of dinners, we always answer that “only you can judge of the quality of meals…”
The most important is to share some time together…

Quietness, serenity and gastronomy : This is going to be the “programm” if you come and visit us!


Services & Amenities

Host's table Non-smoking establishment Wi-fi available Private Parking Family-friendly Trekking / Hiking Panoramic / Stunning Views

Location & Access

8 Rue Bouchardat
89200 Girolles

Nearby cities
35.99 kms away from Auxerre
7.19 kms away from Avallon
31.46 kms away from Chablis
21.31 kms away from Noyers-sur-Serein
11.24 kms away from Vézelay
Paris-Orly (intl) 170.28 kms
We will provide directions to our house when you make your resvervation


Rooms & Rates

4 Rooms

Rates / Seasons Low Med High Very high
Single occupancy 125 € to 218 € 125 € to 218 € 135 € to 220 € 135 € to 220 €
Double occupancy 125 € to 218 € 125 € to 218 € 135 € to 220 € 135 € to 220 €

La Girolloise

"La Girolloise" a été pensée comme un "mini" appartement, modulable en fonction du nombre de personnes. C’est la chambre idéale pour un long séjour. Elle peut accueillir jusqu’à 4 personnes : une famille ou alors 2 couples.

Price by season:

Low : 130 € | High : 140 €

La Bourguignonne

Idéale pour un séjour de plusieurs nuits. Vous aurez votre entrée indépendante, 2 chambres séparées, une grande pièce à vivre baignée de lumière grâce à la véranda ouverte sur le jardin, cuisine aménagée, terrasse privée. Salle de bain, WC séparé.

Price by season:

Low : 160 € | High : 170 €

Mademoiselle Rolande

A suite for 2 people. This room has 2 rooms and a double bathroom. The double bedroom has a lovely view of the garden, a spacious lounge where you can relax in front of the decorative white marble fireplace.

Price by season:

Low : 125 € | High : 135 €

Le Pigeonnier

Entrée indépendante. Chambre en triplex : en haut un salon, au milieu la chambre et la salle de bains en contrebas. Grand lit, salle de bains avec douche à l'italienne, lavabo, wc. Nombreux escaliers : ne convient pas aux personnes à mobilité réduite

Price by season:

Low : 125 € | High : 125 €

Themed Breaks



Christian, the owner, who’s first job is “cuisinier”, will organize gastronomic dinners for you around the “Table d’hôtes”. Creative cooking with products of the area and seasonal goods.

Guest Reviews

Pour faire une halte en Bourgogne, cette adresse est parfaite. Nous avons eu l'occasion de passer une très belle nuit dans le pigeonnier où le caractère atypique de la chambre nous a charmé. Nous avons également déguster un délicieux dîner en compagnie de nos charmants hôtes. Rien est à changer, tout est parfait ainsi. Nous recommandons vivement!!

Seynod, France,
Stay : 07/06/2012

You have already stayed in this property?

Your opinion is important to us.

Contact & Reservation

We speak:
fr en it
Annual closing:
January 1 st to March 21 st

This form allow you to contact the owner for more informations or to ask for a reservation.


– Seasons –

Very high
No vacancy